Warnath Group is honored to partner with the Ombudsman’s Office of Colombia on a series of trainings focused on identifying the crime of human trafficking, understanding victim rights, and assisting survivors. The Duplas, teams of two people who provide legal and psychological victim assistance throughout Colombia, are uniquely positioned to identify victims of trafficking and provide assistance to survivors through coordination and engagement with other key government institutions.

Group photo of participants, trainers, and State Department officials from one of the Colombia Duplas online training modules.
Thus far, Warnath Group has delivered five of the eight planned training sessions virtually. Topics covered include the following:
- The crime’s basic concepts, elements, and myths.
- Colombian law and key provisions on human trafficking.
- The impact of trauma on victims.
- Trauma-informed care and survivor empowerment.
- Working in synergy with survivors.
The course includes on-demand resources, activities, and live virtual trainings, culminating with an in-person training session. The diverse modalities offered ensure all of the Duplas are able to participate.
The training series has been made possible by the U.S. State Department’s Office to Monitor and Combat Trafficking (J/TIP) and the U.S. Embassy Bogotá.