On October 4, Warnath Group conducted a foundational training with professionals from the National Child Welfare Agency (PANI) in Golfito, Costa Rica. This training focused on understanding child trafficking, how trafficking in persons occurs in Costa Rica, dispelling myths and misconceptions about child trafficking, the five steps of victim protection, indicators of child and adolescent trafficking, and the PANI institutional protocol for the identification and referral of child and adolescent trafficking victims. The training was implemented in partnership with PANI’s Trafficking in Persons Institutional Technical Committee (Comité Técnico Institucional de Trata de Personas del PANI) with PANI CTI technical experts facilitating the session on PANI’s institutional protocol and how to identify and refer possible child and adolescent trafficking victims to the Immediate Response Team (ERI).
The IACT Program is funded through a cooperative agreement with the U.S. Department of State Office to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons (J/TIP).

IACT Program Technical Specialists and participants at the October 4 training with PANI.