corporate social responsibility (csr)


"the Business community should not view addressing human trafficking as only a compliance issue. there are many opportunities to engage positively and meaningfully as well."

– Stephen Warnath, CEO & President

Our process

How we work

build on Your company's strengths & Interests

Employees are every company’s greatest resource.  We find ways to engage the interests and leverage the skills of the talented people in your company in innovative ways to participate in positive activities addressing human trafficking.

Expert design of tailored csr

We tailor the design of CSR initiatives to your specific company within the context of your industry sector.

Smart solutions

The resulting initiatives contribute in meaningful ways to the community in which your employees live and work – and potentially beyond – on these important issues while enhancing your company’s employee experience.  This is smart business.

Tailored Services

We find opportunities to leverage your company’s specific professional strengths and to

build partnerships to maximize positive impact through the following customized consultancy services:

CSR design and implementation

Employee Engagement

Client Engagement

Public Private Partnerships


Communication strategy

Monitoring & Evaluation of csr projects

Services Spotlight:

Community engagement

Ask your employees – when given the opportunity employees often want to work positively on issues that address human trafficking, especially those that contribute in the communities where they live and work.  We can work with you to design programs for employees to engage in a range of rewarding ways, from their providing general awareness programs in their communities to specialized programs utilizing the unique knowledge and skills of your workforce such as:

  • creating child-friendly spaces to help protect child victims;
  • opening and operating a social enterprise to employ and provide financial self-sufficiency for individuals who are putting their lives back together after trafficking, either, domestically or internationally;
  • and, providing valuable pro bono legal research or supporting vacatur and expungement for trafficking survivors.

These types of community engagement programs constitute valuable contributions and at the same time, can be an important part of attracting, retaining, and developing a talented workforce.  Similarly, if your firm provides services to clients, we can design and help you implement client engagement projects.

"we support companies and their employees by designing innovative and significant global, regional, and community-based csr strategies. employees invest what they know -- their talents and skills -- to make a difference that matters. the results are meaningful and rewarding."

– Stephen Warnath, CEO & President

Contact Us

Start the conversation of how our custom CSR programs can leverage your company’s interests and employees’ participation to create maximum positive and enduring results.

+1 (301) 857-7842

5335 Wisconsin Ave NW, Suite 440, Washington, DC 20015

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